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Privacy policy

As a club we will treat your personal details with the upmost care and they will only be used to help us manage your membership of Hawkesbury Cricket Club.

The Club will use the information provided to administer cricketing activity at the club and in any other club activities in which the member is involved.

In some cases this may require the Club to disclose information to County Boards or the England Cricket Board (ECB). In the event of a medical issue or child protection issue arising, the Club may disclose certain information to Doctors or other medical specialists and/or the police, children’s social care, the Courts and/or probation officers and to legal and other advisers involved in any investigation.

Hawkesbury Cricket Club will not share your information to any other 3rd parties excluding those highlighted above. Your personal details will only be used to manage your membership and will only be available to persons who need access. These include Membership Secretary – Secretary – Head youth Coach – Youth Administrator – Relevant Senior Captains for the purpose of team selection.

The club may hold a copy of your information securely on site. Documents will be locked in a secure area where only the committee members who have good reason will have access. This information will not be shared with 3rd parties but only used as a database for medical emergencies or if the club wishes to contact you regarding club matters.

If anyone would like to request their personal data be returned or deleted please contact the club secretary or membership secretary.

Data policy
The Club uses Pitchero as its membership database/player selection and as a means to communicate with its members. Pitchero is based within the EU and is GDPR compliant. You have the right to withhold your personal information.
Terms and Conditions

Please read the declarations below carefully, applying for membership implies that you accept these terms:
• I have read and agree to follow the Code of Conduct for Cricket Club Members and Guests*
• I have read and agree to follow the Clubs rules*
• Any breaches of the code of conduct or club rules may lead to membership being withdrawn.
• I commit to supporting the club – I shall not apply/join or play for another club until I have notified the club secretary – such actions could lead to the club being fined by various associations and I agree that I would be liable to cover any costs incurred by the club.
• I agree to my name and/or photographs of me or that of my child appearing in publicity and other material about the club’s activities.
• I accept that in the event of any default on my payment of the agreed, relevant subscription, I shall not be entitled to take part in the club’s activities and my membership may lapse.
• I am aware and have access to the Clubs constitution*
• The club has its own inclusion & diversity policy and I agree to comply and have access to view it*
• The Club strongly advises all participants to wear protective equipment while training and playing – I agree it is my own responsibility if I choose not to (this includes the use of helmets). Full protective equipment is mandatory for all children engaged in hard ball activities.
• The Club uses Pitchero for general communications/team selection and training records I agree I will sign up and use this format for club administration.

For parents:
• I agree to either remain on the clubs premises during training sessions and matches, or to appoint another responsible adult to do so on my behalf.
• I understand that in the event of an injury or illness to my son/daughter in my absence, the club will attempt to contact me or the other emergency contacts provided, and take reasonable steps to deal with the condition appropriately.
• I understand that I am responsible for arranging suitable transport to and from coaching/training sessions and matches.

*Further documentation can be found in the Information section of the website, and/or on ontice boards at the club.